Friday, 4 May 2012

Portfolio Visit 2

I've just come back from a portfolio visit at Elygra Marketing Services in Chester. It’s worth mentioning that these were my employers before choosing to start my degree and it was the work I did whilst working there that put me on the path of illustration and in particular character design.

Since recently moving back to the Wrexham area I was keen to show my face again and show them how my work had progressed and also to see if they could throw some work my way. Whilst working for them I was heavily involved in marketing campaigns for many local authorities up and down the country helping to make children aware of the importance of healthy eating. This involved designing characters, game packs, comics, canteen branding, themed events and any other promotional material the schools required to market their healthy school dinner menus.

I met with company director Andy Argyle and head designer Dan Parsons. I talked them through some of the projects I’d been involved with at Uni and some of the software I’d been using and they were interested to hear about the animations I had done. Overall they were really impressed with the professionalism of my portfolio and the quality of work inside. I knew they already had an illustrator on their books, which they used occasionally and I didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes, but they said they thought my work looked more current so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to leave my card with them.

As they’re a marketing company they offered me some great tips on marketing myself and said business cards were great, but I should make some flyers and postcards with my work on that people can pick up and take at shows or events. They were also big fans of email flyers as a means of sending samples of work.

It was great to start networking in my local area once again and I look forward to the possibility of working with them in the near future.

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